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Underwriting Opportunities

Underwriters are vital to the success of the Fashion Show. Benefits of being an Underwriter include complimentary tickets for your choice of either the lunch or dinner show, with the number of seats depending on the donation level. Tables at each show accommodate ten guests. Additional benefits include premium table placement at the event, name recognition in the Fashion Show program, access to advance purchase of additional tickets, and an optional shout out message or ad in the program. Even if you are unable to attend, we still appreciate you underwriting the event. More details about underwriting can be found on the Underwriting Form. If you have any questions, please contact Natasha Barringer, the 2024 Underwriting Chair, at fsunderwriting@bcp.org.

Important Note: You will need to input what you will be using to contribute (Check, Credit Card, Stock or DAF) during the online process.

If you would like to use a credit card, it will be processed on this site.

If you would like to use a check, Stock or DAF, the underwriting pledge will be processed and you will be contacted by someone on the underwriting team. This site will show a $0 pledge as you process through the site. This allows us to process your pledge for underwriting without the system requiring you to enter credit card information.

Thank you for your support!

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Leadership - $20,000+ (10 Dinner AND 10 Lunch) (20 included) $0.00

Tradition - $10,000 (Dinner) (10 included) $0.00

Tradition - $10,000 (Lunch) (10 included) $0.00

Unity - $5,000 (Dinner) (4 included) $0.00

Unity - $5,000 (Lunch) (6 included) $0.00

Service - $3,000 (Dinner) (2 included) $0.00

Service - $3,000 (Lunch) (4 included) $0.00
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES NO PERKS (if using a DAF, you must choose this option)
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Leadership - Level (20K) - NP $0.00

Tradition - Level (10K) - NP $0.00

Unity Level (5K) - NP $0.00

Service Level ($3K) - NP $0.00
Registration opens: Monday, July 1, 2024
Registration closes: Friday, October 18, 2024