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Make a Donation

Thank you for your generous support of the 70th Annual Fashion Show for Tuition Assistance! Every dollar raised will directly benefit the Direct Tuition Assistance Fund and the Tuition Assistance Endowment, supporting current and future Bells.

The expenses involved in organizing this event require significant upfront investment. Your consideration in helping underwrite these costs is greatly appreciated.


Sponsor a Community Member $195 (lunch) $250 (dinner)

Jesuit, Faculty or Staff


 Catering and Beverages ($90,000)
  • Two course lunch 
  • Three course dinner
  • Non-alcoholic beverages & wine
Production ($100,000)
  • Producer
  • Choreography
  • Sound/Stage/Set
 Printing and Postage ($32,000)
  • Programs
  • Fashion Show Summer Mailing
  • Invitations
Administration ($15,000)
  • Donation/Ticketing service fees
  • Photography
  • Office Supplies

Thank you for your generosity and Go Bells!

If you have any questions, please email the Fashion Show Committee at fashionshow@bcp.org. 

I would like to make a donation
